Kia Kaha Christchurch

For my son and his wife who lived in the beautiful land of Aotearoa, for all my friends there, and for those that lost a loved one, my heart is heavy and I am sorry for such madness.

My heart has an ache today, not unlike all the other days that came before it whenever I was made aware of some senseless act of violence. It is hard to fathom the depth of hate and cowardice that it takes to shoot people in prayer, just like it is hard for me to fathom any act of senseless violence. We humans are so fragile, and yet we treat one another with such disregard. Anger is everywhere, from the person that flipped me off last week while driving, to the man who is supposed to be the President of our country, a nation founded on FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY.  He calls out hate and further instills this madness of white supremacy, as do many others similar to him. My heart is broken. Where are we going my friends?  Hopefully we can move ourselves into a place where  we live the personal reality of peace, from which point we can become peacemakers. Our individual energy will then be able to align with the realities of other peacemakers, generating a wave of goodness throughout the world. This is how the phenomenon of faith within our awareness joins with others and becomes a great agency of transformation that creates a new, peaceful reality.  We can continue to shift this energy and create a new peaceful reality, remembering that there is no separation among us and that we all belong to each other.

If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other. ~ Mother Theresa


About Wildflower Women

Welcome to my site. I am writing to give people inspiration to hold their voices, especially as concerns the grieving process. My hope is that everyone finds a little inspiration from my site. We are all a work in progress! Namaste.
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16 Responses to Kia Kaha Christchurch

  1. steve barta says:

    Beautiful thoughts. Thx for this my love….


  2. Karen Lang says:

    Such an awful and sad tragedy in Christchurch yesterday Heather. I hope your son and his wife are okay. May each of us continue to understand and teach others, there is no separation, only in our mind. 🙏🏻

    Liked by 1 person

  3. eremophila says:

    Yes, it is the madness pushed by the elite controllers. Love is the way, despite the difficulty.
    It is sorrowful times.


  4. So sad about the events that have happened, and whatever keeps us together is so needed. Thank you for this beautifully heartfelt written peace with Aroha.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. May peace be with all of us during this painful and difficult period in our global history. Hatred is being stoked and if I am silent and participate in the hate than I am complicit. Yet, I am disappointed to discover so many of this earth’s citizens continue to ignore our dependence on each other to thrive and survive. Your post demonstrates the angst and sorrow we feel as anger and resentment gain a foothold. The one thing I’ve learned in the past two years, I must remain vigilant to my core beliefs of equality, humility, integrity, honesty, and love for humanity. If change can begin with each of us perhaps we can alter the destiny that intertwines us all. Thank you for giving me continued faith and hope.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. theburningheart says:

    It’s sad, very sad, the only thing we can do is to spread our love, instead of hate.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Absolutely “Beatiful”!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Well said indeed.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. All violence is senseless. There is NO real thinking involved.
    Excellent post for these unsettled times

    Liked by 1 person

  10. The reality is becoming more prevalent each day!💕❤️🙏

    Liked by 1 person

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